Anders is featured on web-tv!

Now is the time!

Now the home-page is slowly being formed and it feels wonderful to formulate all our thoughts in words after almost two years of planning, meetings, travel and preparations. It feels like it is going to be a summer that I personally will not easily forget. The walker inside me have longed for many years to set out in new unchartered terrains.

A lot of things will happen on the home-page the following weeks as the events and arrangements will fall into place. We have all the time worked under the motto “not to promise more than we can hold and hold what we promise” and it feels like what we so far can offer for this summer is a lot more than we first planned. At the same time there is the potential to grow even more depending on what events individuals and organizations want to add to the walk. It will be exciting to follow the developments…

If somebody wants to create an event to add on to the walk we say “yes” – and if not we will carry on to walk humbly a step at a time, focusing on the now, our fellow walkers and enjoy the day.

Featured in Web-TV!

Anders featured in Magasinet, the web TV of the Swedish Church the other day and you can watch it  here:

The interview with Anders starts about 10 min in to the program and lasts for approximately  7 min. I think he cathes the concept very well, manages to get in everything and still some, and I get very eager to get walking. And I will… I hope you who are reading this feel the same and join us! See you on the Path!

Peter Elmberg

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