
The Path – a non profit organization

“The Path” is run by the non profit organization “The Path”.  The organization is non political or religious with the aim to make peacecreating events by involving different people, cultures and traditions.  To reach our goals we use different cultural expressions such as ; music and dance, art and literature based on a holistic and  ecological viewpoint.  We recognize the diversity of different cultural- and spiritualtraditions with the aim to work for equality. We put extra emphasis on youth an emmigrants.

Our aim is to arrange Songwalks where the choir- and pilgrimtraditions meet with the possibility to prosper according to our themes Environment (Mother nature) , Integration and Existence (MIX).

The Paths’ overall aim is to work for a peaceful society by starting here and now, one step at a time.

2 Responses to “Organization”

  • Konstantin:

    Hej Anders och alla vänner! Storslaget projekt ni fått ihop här. Härligt att höra om det och samtidigt minnas de härliga vandringar jag själv varit med om – 1997, 1998, 2001. Jag önskar all lycka och lyckande med företagandet! May the road rise to meet you…
    - den tyska bagaren i Värmland -

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