Dare the jump!

Bron över Motala ström / The bridge over Motala stream.


Dare the jump!

Even if you cant trust fully that the wings will carry you.
Mother duck will be there, calling and begging.
Dare the jump!
Others have done it before you. Some will come after you. But you have to do it yourself.
You have to dare to hope. 
You don’t need to hop as much as to hope.
Let go and trust that you will land softly. Return to the brood. And into your best element. 

One day you will fly high and fast. One day your down will be exchanged for fast, strong and shimmering wings. But you have to try your wings first. Before they are there. In order for them to grow out and become what they are supposed to be. It is in fact your will that makes them grow strong and beautiful.

But before you can rise towards the light skies you need to practice your landings. Trust that you will always land on your feet.  Everything will be OK. 

Was it due to ill will that your mother lead you up to this precarious place and then deserted you? No, it was out of love. You can’t see it now but will understand it the day you fly high and can see the whole landscape underneath you. But in order to get there you have to take the first step. The hardest. The one over the edge. Out into the abyss. Out into an element that you have not tried previously. But that you one day will become a master of. 

The air.

There you will be free! There you are sovereign! There you are in your spirit, aware of your own beauty and ability and your Oneness with all of Creation. 

But now your are on the edge, trembling. You cannot perceive your beauty or your abilities. You cannot understand why you have to do this. The only thing that you can imagine would be harder then jumping is to be left alone on the concrete ledge. 


You can do it!
You have to do it!
You will do it!

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